Music Alive Rangitīkei
Music Alive Rangitīkei was funded to hold a series of workshops to nurture creative ideas and talents in the Rangitikei community.
They were able to invite homegrown Jerome Kavanagh who returned to Taihape in June 2014 to perform live with his family collection of over forty different Māori Musical instruments.
Music educator, Julian Raphael, led a successful series of workshops for school children and adult groups of singers and instrumentalists.
A poetry competition was held requesting works with a distinct Rangitīkei flavour. Irene Loder’s poem “From Away”, was chosen and set to music by David Hamilton, renowned New Zealand composer.
Young Taihape musician and composer, Joshua George’s composition “Wisdom” was a highlight for many at the final concert on 6 September 2014. Wanganui Chronicle.